
light a light for yourself

light a light for yourself

light a light for yourself
Light a light to yourself, engage in goals, ideals, and choices in life and study… Under this light we can determine the goals of our actions and the direction of our progress, always striving downward, striving for progress. To tomorrow, to a better future.

In this light, we have ideals and goals to strive for. Like the famous thinker Marx, he can set clear goals for ideals. Marx studied diligently as a child and was determined to seek the happiness of mankind even in middle school. In his senior thesis, he wrote, “A man can become a truly great man only if he strives to work for humanity.” He said, “If we choose the thing that can work best for the good of humanity, we will not work for it. Overwhelmed by the burden. Because this is a sacrifice for all mankind, we will not feel a little selfish and compassionate joy. Our cause is not temporary, but it will always be there.”

On the contrary, those who do not strive for their ideals, eat blindly, walk blindly, and do nothing without purpose are almost like fools.

A person with ideals thinks about studies, work and career, not about trivialities or personal gains and losses. At the beginning of the new semester, the director of Shenyang Dongguan Model School, Wei, asked students why they were studying. Some answered, “I study for my father.” Others replied, “I study for fame and fortune.” Reading.” When Principal Wei called on Zhou Enlai to answer, Enlai, who was sitting in the back row, stood up and solemnly said, “Reading for the advancement of China!” Ideals make people noble.

Under the light of the ideal, we will make wise decisions. In the Liberation War, for the liberation of the people, Dong Cunrui used his body as a support and held an explosive bag in his hand to blow up the enemy’s bunker because he had no support. At that moment, Dong Cunrui decided to sacrifice his life for justice. His spirit will never be forgotten, and he will always be an example for us to learn from. In order to save the Chinese people, Mr. Lu Xun gave up his beloved medicine and devoted himself to literature… Therefore, it is crucial to choose wisely, but the criteria for our choice are truth, goodness, beauty, justice, and the country and nation. For the sake of all, it is necessary to give oneself a light.

Light a light for yourself, discern the direction, determine the destination, and learn to choose.


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