
Aftermath of the Charge

Aftermath of the Charge

Aftermath of the Charge

Aftermath of Charge
One day in late November, due to the school’s emphasis on education, the entire group of seven was invited to watch an animated film “The Charge.”

The film mainly tells the story of the great Communists who desperately defended China during the Anti-Japanese War and defeated the enemy in the spirit of unity and self-surpass.

When I just saw this film, I was very touched. As we live in modern times, we have long been accustomed to reaching out with our clothes and opening our mouths with food, but we are still dissatisfied with it. Having experienced the difficult life in the ancient society of that time, we should feel lucky that we were not born into the society of that time, otherwise, with the fragile will of modern people, how can we survive?In this film, there are also many who deeply marked me, and they all carry the great communist spirit. For example, the great uncle who is always at the forefront of the battlefield, his heroic figure blowing the charge horn has remained deeply etched in my mind, and the company commander is also very admirable. Flowers, and gave up his precious life, I still remember his resolute expression at that time. How wonderful! How many people in modern times can do like him?After watching this movie, I have many thoughts: first, the beautiful world we all live in is made of the flesh and blood of our ancestors and we should love it; second, we should all inherit the unity of our revolutionary ancestors. The spirit of unity, self-improvement, party love, patriotism and people love. We must continue to defend the country and the people along the road that the revolutionary ancestors bloodied!

When I wrote this review, a lot of scenes from the movie came to my mind, which gave me a lot of new ideas, so friends who haven’t seen this movie, go see it Well , I guess it will give you a lot of gains.


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