
This alley

This alley

This alley
It’s been a while since autumn has arrived. It’s a bit cold, and the sun is not so strong anymore. It’s warm on my body, and I can not help but long for that feeling.

It was autumn, and the leaves were turning yellow in the first memories. The next second I saw a leaf leave the top of the tree, swirl through the air a few times, and then land leisurely on the ground. As soon as I got out of the bus stop, I turned into an avenue after a few hundred meters. The alley was surrounded by trees, but the ground in the alley was very clean. Gradually, the alley widened, and the sound of sweeping the ground sounded in his ears.

As soon as he stepped out of the alley, he saw an old man. The old man was wearing a black fur coat. He had many holes in his clothes, and some furs were faded in some places. The wind was blowing, and the old man could not help but shiver. The old man looked at least like a 70-year-old. His hair was already gray, and he had many wrinkles on his face. He looked a little


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